/****************************************************************************** * swmodule.cpp -code for base class 'module'. Module is the basis for all * types of modules (e.g. texts, commentaries, maps, lexicons, * etc.) */ #include #include #include #include // GNU #include SWDisplay SWModule::rawdisp; /****************************************************************************** * SWModule Constructor - Initializes data for instance of SWModule * * ENT: imodname - Internal name for module * imoddesc - Name to display to user for module * idisp - Display object to use for displaying * imodtype - Type of Module (All modules will be displayed with * others of same type under their modtype heading */ SWModule::SWModule(const char *imodname, const char *imoddesc, SWDisplay *idisp, char *imodtype) { key = CreateKey(); entrybuf = new char [1]; *entrybuf = 0; modname = 0; error = 0; moddesc = 0; modtype = 0; disp = (idisp) ? idisp : &rawdisp; stdstr(&modname, imodname); stdstr(&moddesc, imoddesc); stdstr(&modtype, imodtype); render = true; // for protected method when sometimes need RenderText not to _Render Text_ :) kludge / rewrite } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule Destructor - Cleans up instance of SWModule */ SWModule::~SWModule() { if (entrybuf) delete [] entrybuf; if (modname) delete [] modname; if (moddesc) delete [] moddesc; if (modtype) delete [] modtype; if (key) { if (!key->Persist()) delete key; } } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::CreateKey - Allocates a key of specific type for module * * RET: pointer to allocated key */ SWKey *SWModule::CreateKey() { return new SWKey(); } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::Error - Gets and clears error status * * RET: error status */ char SWModule::Error() { char retval = error; error = 0; return retval; } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::Name - Sets/gets module name * * ENT: imodname - value which to set modname * [0] - only get * * RET: pointer to modname */ char *SWModule::Name(char *imodname) { return stdstr(&modname, imodname); } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::Description - Sets/gets module description * * ENT: imoddesc - value which to set moddesc * [0] - only get * * RET: pointer to moddesc */ char *SWModule::Description(char *imoddesc) { return stdstr(&moddesc, imoddesc); } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::Type - Sets/gets module type * * ENT: imodtype - value which to set modtype * [0] - only get * * RET: pointer to modtype */ char *SWModule::Type(char *imodtype) { return stdstr(&modtype, imodtype); } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::Disp - Sets/gets display driver * * ENT: idisp - value which to set disp * [0] - only get * * RET: pointer to disp */ SWDisplay *SWModule::Disp(SWDisplay *idisp) { if (idisp) disp = idisp; return disp; } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::Display - Calls this modules display object and passes itself * * RET: error status */ char SWModule::Display() { disp->Display(*this); return 0; } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::SetKey - Sets a key to this module for position to a particular * record or set of records * * ENT: ikey - key with which to set this module * * RET: error status */ char SWModule::SetKey(const SWKey &ikey) { if (key) { if (!key->Persist()) // if we have our own copy delete key; } if (!ikey.Persist()) { // if we are to keep our own copy key = CreateKey(); *key = ikey; } else key = (SWKey *)&ikey; // if we are to just point to an external key return 0; } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::KeyText - Sets/gets module KeyText * * ENT: ikeytext - value which to set keytext * [0] - only get * * RET: pointer to keytext */ const char *SWModule::KeyText(char *ikeytext) { if (ikeytext) SetKey((const char *)ikeytext); return *key; } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::operator =(POSITION) - Positions this modules to an entry * * ENT: p - position (e.g. TOP, BOTTOM) * * RET: *this */ SWModule &SWModule::operator =(POSITION p) { *key = p; error = key->Error(); return *this; } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::operator += - Increments module key a number of entries * * ENT: increment - Number of entries to jump forward * * RET: *this */ SWModule &SWModule::operator +=(int increment) { (*key) += increment; error = key->Error(); return *this; } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::operator -= - Decrements module key a number of entries * * ENT: decrement - Number of entries to jump backward * * RET: *this */ SWModule &SWModule::operator -=(int increment) { (*key) -= increment; error = key->Error(); return *this; } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::Search - Searches a module for a string * * ENT: istr - string for which to search * searchType - type of search to perform * >=0 - regex * -1 - phrase * -2 - multiword * flags - options flags for search * * RET: listkey set to verses that contain istr */ ListKey &SWModule::Search(const char *istr, int searchType, int flags, SWKey *scope) { SWKey *savekey = 0; SWKey *searchkey = 0; regex_t preg; SWKey textkey; char **words = 0; char *wordBuf = 0; int wordCount = 0; const char *sres; terminateSearch = false; listkey.ClearList(); if (!key->Persist()) { savekey = CreateKey(); *savekey = *key; } else savekey = key; searchkey = (scope)?scope->clone():(key->Persist())?key->clone():0; if (searchkey) { searchkey->Persist(1); SetKey(*searchkey); } *this = TOP; if (searchType >= 0) { flags |=searchType|REG_NOSUB|REG_EXTENDED; regcomp(&preg, istr, flags); } if (searchType == -2) { wordBuf = (char *)calloc(sizeof(char), strlen(istr) + 1); strcpy(wordBuf, istr); words = (char **)calloc(sizeof(char *), 10); int allocWords = 10; words[wordCount] = strtok(wordBuf, " "); while (words[wordCount]) { wordCount++; if (wordCount == allocWords) { allocWords+=10; words = (char **)realloc(words, sizeof(char *)*allocWords); } words[wordCount] = strtok(NULL, " "); } } while (!Error() && !terminateSearch) { if (searchType >= 0) { if (!regexec(&preg, StripText(), 0, 0, 0)) { textkey = KeyText(); listkey << textkey; } } else { if (searchType == -1) { sres = ((flags & REG_ICASE) == REG_ICASE) ? stristr(StripText(), istr) : strstr(StripText(), istr); if (sres) { textkey = KeyText(); listkey << textkey; } } if (searchType == -2) { int i; for (i = 0; i < wordCount; i++) { sres = ((flags & REG_ICASE) == REG_ICASE) ? stristr(StripText(), words[i]) : strstr(StripText(), words[i]); if (!sres) break; } if (i == wordCount) { textkey = KeyText(); listkey << textkey; } } } (*this)++; } if (searchType >= 0) regfree(&preg); if (searchType == -2) { free(words); free(wordBuf); } SetKey(*savekey); if (!savekey->Persist()) delete savekey; if (searchkey) delete searchkey; listkey = TOP; return listkey; } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::StripText() - calls all stripfilters on current text * * ENT: buf - buf to massage instead of this modules current text * len - max len of buf * * RET: this module's text at specified key location massaged by Strip filters */ const char *SWModule::StripText(char *buf, int len) { FilterList::iterator it; SWKey *key = 0; if (!buf) { key = (SWKey *)*this; render = false; buf = (char *)*this; render = true; } for (it = optionfilters.begin(); it != optionfilters.end(); it++) { (*it)->ProcessText(buf, len, key); } for (it = stripfilters.begin(); it != stripfilters.end(); it++) { (*it)->ProcessText(buf, len, key); } return buf; } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::RenderText - calls all renderfilters on current text * * ENT: buf - buffer to Render instead of current module position * * RET: listkey set to verses that contain istr */ const char *SWModule::RenderText(char *buf, int len) { FilterList::iterator it; SWKey *key = 0; if (!buf) { key = (SWKey *)*this; buf = (char *)*this; } for (it = optionfilters.begin(); it != optionfilters.end(); it++) { (*it)->ProcessText(buf, len, key); } if (render) { for (it = renderfilters.begin(); it != renderfilters.end(); it++) { (*it)->ProcessText(buf, len, key); } } return buf; } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::RenderText - calls all renderfilters on current text * * ENT: tmpKey - key to use to grab text * * RET: this module's text at specified key location massaged by RenderFilers */ const char *SWModule::RenderText(SWKey *tmpKey) { SWKey *savekey; const char *retVal; if (!key->Persist()) { savekey = CreateKey(); *savekey = *key; } else savekey = key; SetKey(*tmpKey); retVal = RenderText(); SetKey(*savekey); if (!savekey->Persist()) delete savekey; return retVal; } /****************************************************************************** * SWModule::StripText - calls all StripTextFilters on current text * * ENT: tmpKey - key to use to grab text * * RET: this module's text at specified key location massaged by Strip filters */ const char *SWModule::StripText(SWKey *tmpKey) { SWKey *savekey; const char *retVal; if (!key->Persist()) { savekey = CreateKey(); *savekey = *key; } else savekey = key; SetKey(*tmpKey); retVal = StripText(); SetKey(*savekey); if (!savekey->Persist()) delete savekey; return retVal; }