/***************************************************************************** * * ftplibftpt.cpp - FTPLibFTPTransport * * $Id$ * * Copyright 2004-2013 CrossWire Bible Society (http://www.crosswire.org) * CrossWire Bible Society * P. O. Box 2528 * Tempe, AZ 85280-2528 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include SWORD_NAMESPACE_START namespace { struct MyProgressData { StatusReporter *sr; long totalSize; bool *term; }; static int my_swbufwriter(netbuf *nControl, void *buffer, size_t size, void *swbuf) { SWBuf &output = *(SWBuf *)swbuf; int s = (int)output.size(); output.size(s+size); memcpy(output.getRawData()+s, buffer, size); return (int)size; } #if defined(__GNUC__) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif static int my_fprogress(netbuf *nControl, int xfered, void *arg) { if (arg) { MyProgressData *pd = (MyProgressData *)arg; //SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("FTPLibFTPTransport report progress: totalSize: %ld; xfered: %d\n", pd->totalSize, xfered); if (pd->sr) { pd->sr->update(pd->totalSize, xfered); } if (*(pd->term)) return 0; } return 1; } #if defined(__GNUC__) #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif // initialize/cleanup SYSTEMWIDE library with life of this static. static class FTPLibFTPTransport_init { public: FTPLibFTPTransport_init() { FtpInit(); } ~FTPLibFTPTransport_init() { } } _ftpLibFTPTransport_init; } FTPLibFTPTransport::FTPLibFTPTransport(const char *host, StatusReporter *sr) : RemoteTransport(host, sr) { ftpConnection = 0; } FTPLibFTPTransport::~FTPLibFTPTransport() { if (ftpConnection) FtpQuit(ftpConnection); } char FTPLibFTPTransport::assureLoggedIn() { char retVal = 0; if (ftpConnection == 0) { SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("connecting to host: %s...\n", host.c_str()); if (FtpConnect(host, &ftpConnection)) { FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CONNMODE, (passive) ? FTPLIB_PASSIVE : FTPLIB_PORT, ftpConnection); SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("connected. logging in...\n"); if (FtpLogin(u.c_str(), p.c_str(), ftpConnection)) { SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("logged in.\n"); retVal = 0; } else { SWLog::getSystemLog()->logError("Failed to login to %s\n", host.c_str()); retVal = -2; } } else { SWLog::getSystemLog()->logError("Failed to connect to %s\n", host.c_str()); retVal = -1; } } return retVal; } char FTPLibFTPTransport::getURL(const char *destPath, const char *sourceURL, SWBuf *destBuf) { char retVal = 0; SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("FTPLibFTPTransport::getURL(%s, %s, ...);\n", (destPath)?destPath:"(null)", sourceURL); // assert we can login retVal = assureLoggedIn(); if (retVal) return retVal; SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("FTPLibFTPTransport - logged in.\n"); SWBuf sourcePath = sourceURL; SWBuf outFile; if (!destBuf) { outFile = destPath; } sourcePath << (6 + host.length()); // shift << "ftp://hostname"; SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("getting file %s to %s\n", sourcePath.c_str(), destBuf ? "*internal buffer*" : outFile.c_str()); struct MyProgressData pd; pd.sr = statusReporter; pd.term = &term; pd.totalSize = 0; if (destBuf) { FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACK_WRITER, (long)&my_swbufwriter, ftpConnection); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACK_WRITERARG, (long)destBuf, ftpConnection); } else { FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACK_WRITER, 0L, ftpConnection); } FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACK, (long)&my_fprogress, ftpConnection); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKARG, (long)&pd, ftpConnection); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKBYTES, (long)2048, ftpConnection); if (sourcePath.endsWith("/") || sourcePath.endsWith("\\")) { // SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("getting test directory %s\n", sourcePath.c_str()); // FtpDir(NULL, sourcePath, ftpConnection); SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("getting real directory %s\n", sourcePath.c_str()); retVal = FtpDir(destBuf ? 0 : outFile.c_str(), sourcePath, ftpConnection) - 1; SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("got real directory %s to %s\n", sourcePath.c_str(), destBuf ? "*internal buffer*" : outFile.c_str()); } else { SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("getting file %s\n", sourcePath.c_str()); int size; FtpSize(sourcePath, &size, FTPLIB_IMAGE, ftpConnection); pd.totalSize = size; retVal = FtpGet(destBuf ? 0 : outFile.c_str(), sourcePath, FTPLIB_IMAGE, ftpConnection) - 1; } SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("FTPLibFTPTransport - returning: %d\n", retVal); return retVal; } SWORD_NAMESPACE_END