/****************************************************************************** * * corediatheke.cpp - * * $Id$ * * Copyright 2001-2014 CrossWire Bible Society (http://www.crosswire.org) * CrossWire Bible Society * P. O. Box 2528 * Tempe, AZ 85280-2528 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * */ /****************************************************************************** * Diatheke by Chris Little * http://www.crosswire.org/sword/diatheke */ #include "corediatheke.h" #include #include #include #include #include using std::list; using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::ostream; void systemquery(const char * key, ostream* output){ DiathekeMgr manager; ModMap::iterator it; SWModule *target; bool types = false, descriptions = false, names = false, bibliography = false; if (!::stricmp(key, "localelist")) { LocaleMgr *lm = LocaleMgr::getSystemLocaleMgr(); list loclist = lm->getAvailableLocales(); for (list::iterator li = loclist.begin(); li != loclist.end(); ++li) { *output << li->c_str() << endl; } } else if (!::stricmp(key, "modulelist")) { types = true; descriptions = true; names = true; } else if (!::stricmp(key, "modulelistnames")) { names = true; } else if (!::stricmp(key, "modulelistdescriptions")) { descriptions = true; } else if (!::stricmp(key, "bibliography")) { types = true; names = true; bibliography = true; } if (types || descriptions || names || bibliography) { const char *modTypes[] = { SWMgr::MODTYPE_BIBLES, SWMgr::MODTYPE_COMMENTARIES, SWMgr::MODTYPE_LEXDICTS, SWMgr::MODTYPE_DAILYDEVOS, SWMgr::MODTYPE_GENBOOKS, 0 }; for (int i = 0; modTypes[i]; ++i) { if (types) *output << modTypes[i] << ":\n"; for (it = manager.Modules.begin(); it != manager.Modules.end(); it++) { target = it->second; if (!strcmp(target->getType(), modTypes[i])) { if (names) *output << target->getName(); if (names && (descriptions || bibliography)) *output << " : "; if (descriptions) *output << target->getDescription(); if (bibliography) *output << target->getBibliography(); *output << endl; } } } } } void doquery(unsigned long maxverses = -1, unsigned char outputformat = FMT_PLAIN, unsigned char outputencoding = ENC_UTF8, unsigned long optionfilters = 0, unsigned char searchtype = ST_NONE, const char *range = 0, const char *text = 0, const char *locale = 0, const char *ref = 0, ostream* output = &cout, const char *script = 0, signed char variants = 0) { static DiathekeMgr manager(NULL, NULL, false, outputencoding, outputformat, ((OP_BIDI & optionfilters) == OP_BIDI), ((OP_ARSHAPE & optionfilters) == OP_ARSHAPE)); ListKey listkey; const char *DEFAULT_FONT = "Gentium"; SWModule *target; const char *font = 0; SWBuf modlanguage; SWBuf modlocale; SWBuf syslanguage; SWBuf syslocale; SWBuf header; char inputformat = 0; char querytype = 0; if (!locale) { locale = "en"; } syslocale = SWBuf(locale); syslocale.append(".en"); LocaleMgr *lom = LocaleMgr::getSystemLocaleMgr(); lom->setDefaultLocaleName(syslocale); syslanguage = lom->translate(syslocale, "locales"); //deal with queries to "system" if (!::stricmp(text, "system")) { querytype = QT_SYSTEM; systemquery(ref, output); } if (!strnicmp(text, "info", 4)) { querytype = QT_INFO; text = ref; } //otherwise, we have a real book target = manager.getModule(text); if (!target) return; if (target->getLanguage()) { modlocale = target->getLanguage(); LocaleMgr *lm = LocaleMgr::getSystemLocaleMgr(); modlanguage = lm->translate(modlocale.append(".en"), "locales"); modlocale -= 3; } else { modlocale = "en"; modlanguage = "English"; } SWBuf sourceType = target->getConfigEntry("SourceType"); if (sourceType == "GBF") inputformat = FMT_GBF; else if (sourceType == "ThML") inputformat = FMT_THML; else if (sourceType == "OSIS") inputformat = FMT_OSIS; else if (sourceType == "TEI") inputformat = FMT_TEI; SWBuf encoding = target->getConfigEntry("Encoding"); if (querytype == QT_INFO) { switch (inputformat) { case FMT_THML : *output << "ThML"; break; case FMT_GBF : *output << "GBF" ; break; case FMT_OSIS : *output << "OSIS"; break; case FMT_TEI : *output << "TEI" ; break; default: *output << "Other"; } *output << ";"; *output << target->getType(); *output << ";"; return; } if (searchtype) querytype = QT_SEARCH; manager.setGlobalOption("Footnotes", (optionfilters & OP_FOOTNOTES) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Headings", (optionfilters & OP_HEADINGS) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Strong's Numbers", (optionfilters & OP_STRONGS) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Morphological Tags", (optionfilters & OP_MORPH) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Hebrew Cantillation", (optionfilters & OP_CANTILLATION) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Hebrew Vowel Points", (optionfilters & OP_HEBREWPOINTS) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Greek Accents", (optionfilters & OP_GREEKACCENTS) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Lemmas", (optionfilters & OP_LEMMAS) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Cross-references", (optionfilters & OP_SCRIPREF) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Words of Christ in Red", (optionfilters & OP_REDLETTERWORDS) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Arabic Vowel Points", (optionfilters & OP_ARABICPOINTS) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Glosses", (optionfilters & OP_GLOSSES) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Transliterated Forms", (optionfilters & OP_XLIT) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Enumerations", (optionfilters & OP_ENUM) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Morpheme Segmentation", (optionfilters & OP_MORPHSEG) ? "On": "Off"); manager.setGlobalOption("Transliteration", (optionfilters & OP_TRANSLITERATOR && script) ? script : "Off"); VerseKey *parser = (SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, target->getKey())) ? (VerseKey *)target->createKey() : 0; if (parser && (optionfilters & OP_INTROS)) { parser->setIntros(true); ((VerseKey *)target->getKey())->setIntros(true); } if ((optionfilters & OP_VARIANTS) && variants) { if (variants == -1) manager.setGlobalOption("Textual Variants", "All Readings"); else if (variants == 1) manager.setGlobalOption("Textual Variants", "Secondary Reading"); } else manager.setGlobalOption("Textual Variants", "Primary Reading"); if (querytype == QT_SEARCH) { //do search stuff char st = 1 - searchtype; if (querytype == QT_BIBLE) { *output << "Verses containing \""; } else *output << "Entries containing \""; *output << ref; *output << "\"-- "; if (range && parser) { ListKey scope = parser->parseVerseList(range, "Gen 1:1", true); listkey = target->search(ref, st, REG_ICASE, &scope); } else listkey = target->search(ref, st, REG_ICASE); bool first = true; if (listkey.getCount()) { for (listkey = TOP; !listkey.popError(); listkey++) { if (!listkey.popError()) { if (outputformat == FMT_CGI) *output << ""; *output << listkey.getText(); if (outputformat == FMT_CGI) *output << ""; } if (first) first = false; else *output << " ; "; } *output << " -- "; *output << listkey.getCount() << " matches total ("; } else { *output << "none ("; } *output << target->getName(); *output << ")\n"; } else { if (parser) { listkey = parser->parseVerseList(ref, "Gen1:1", true); } else listkey << ref; font = target->getConfigEntry("Font"); if (!font) font = DEFAULT_FONT; if (outputformat == FMT_RTF) { *output << "{\\rtf1\\ansi{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq2 Times New Roman;}{\\f1\\fdecor\\fprq2 "; *output << font; *output << ";}{\\f7\\froman\\fcharset2\\fprq2 Symbol;}}"; } else if (outputformat == FMT_LATEX) { *output << "\\documentclass{bibletext}\n" "\\usepackage{sword}\n" "\\title{" << target->getDescription() << " \\\\\\small " << ref << "}\n"; if (syslanguage.size()) { syslanguage[0] = tolower(syslanguage[0]); *output << "\\setmainlanguage{" << syslanguage << "}\n"; } if (modlanguage.size()) { modlanguage[0] = tolower(modlanguage[0]); } else { modlanguage = "english"; } if (!(modlanguage == syslanguage)) { *output << "\\setotherlanguage{" << modlanguage << "}\n"; } *output << "\\date{}\n" "\\begin{document}\n" "\\maketitle\n"; if (!(modlanguage == syslanguage)) { *output << "\\begin{" << modlanguage << "}\n"; } } else if (outputformat == FMT_HTML || outputformat == FMT_HTMLHREF || outputformat == FMT_XHTML) { *output << "\n" ""; } for (listkey = TOP; !listkey.popError() && maxverses; listkey++) { target->setKey(listkey); VerseKey *vk = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, target->getKey()); // if we've got a VerseKey (Bible or Commentary) if (vk) { // let's do some special processing if we're at verse 1 if (vk->getVerse() == 1) { if (vk->getChapter() == 1) { if (vk->getBook() == 1) { if (vk->getTestament() == 1) { // MODULE START SPECIAL PROCESSING if (outputformat == FMT_LATEX) { *output << "\\swordmodule\n"; // put your latex module start stuff here } } // TESTAMENT START SPECIAL PROCESSING if (outputformat == FMT_LATEX) { // put your latex testament start stuff here *output << "\\swordtestament\n"; } } // BOOK START SPECIAL PROCESSING if (outputformat == FMT_LATEX) { // put your latex book start stuff here *output << "\\swordbook\n"; } } // CHAPTER START SPECIAL PROCESSING if (outputformat == FMT_LATEX) { *output << "\n\\swordchapter{" << vk->getOSISRef() << "}{" << vk->getText() << "}{" << vk->getChapter() << "}"; } } // PREVERSE MATTER header = target->getEntryAttributes()["Heading"]["Preverse"]["0"]; *output << target->renderText(header); // VERSE PROCESSING if (outputformat == FMT_LATEX) { *output << "\\swordverse{" << vk->getOSISRef() << "}{" << vk->getText() << "}{" << vk->getVerse() << "} "; } // no special format processing default: just show the key else { *output << target->getKeyText(); } } // if we're not a VerseKey, then simply output the key else { *output << target->getKeyText(); } // OUTPUT RENDER ENTRY if (outputformat == FMT_HTML || outputformat == FMT_HTMLHREF || outputformat == FMT_XHTML || outputformat == FMT_THML || outputformat == FMT_CGI) { *output << ": "; } else if (outputformat == FMT_RTF) { *output << ": {\\f1 "; } else if (outputformat == FMT_LATEX) { *output << " "; } else { *output << ": "; } *output << target->renderText(); if (outputformat == FMT_HTML || outputformat == FMT_HTMLHREF || outputformat == FMT_XHTML || outputformat == FMT_THML || outputformat == FMT_CGI) { *output << ""; } else if (outputformat == FMT_RTF) { *output << "}"; } if (inputformat != FMT_THML && (outputformat == FMT_HTML || outputformat == FMT_HTMLHREF || outputformat == FMT_XHTML || outputformat == FMT_THML || outputformat == FMT_CGI)) *output << "
"; else if (outputformat == FMT_OSIS) *output << ""; else if (outputformat == FMT_RTF) *output << "\\par "; else if (outputformat == FMT_GBF) *output << ""; *output << "\n"; maxverses--; } if ((outputformat == FMT_LATEX) && (!(modlanguage == syslanguage))) { *output << "\\end{" << modlanguage << "}\n"; } *output << "("; *output << target->getName(); if (outputformat == FMT_LATEX) { *output << ", "; *output << target->getConfigEntry("DistributionLicense"); } *output << ")\n"; if (outputformat == FMT_RTF) { *output << "}"; } else if (outputformat == FMT_LATEX) { *output << "\\end{document}\n"; } else if (outputformat == FMT_HTML || outputformat == FMT_HTMLHREF || outputformat == FMT_XHTML || outputformat == FMT_THML || outputformat == FMT_CGI) { *output << "\n"; } } delete parser; }