/****************************************************************************** * url.cpp - code for an URL parser utility class * * $Id$ * * Copyright 2003 CrossWire Bible Society (http://www.crosswire.org) * CrossWire Bible Society * P. O. Box 2528 * Tempe, AZ 85280-2528 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * */ //Sword includes #include #include //system includes #include #include #include #include SWORD_NAMESPACE_START /** * Constructors/Destructors */ URL::URL(const char* url) : url(""), protocol(""), hostname(""), path("") { if (url && strlen(url)) { this->url = url; parse(); } } const char* URL::getProtocol() const { return protocol.c_str(); } const char* URL::getHostName () const { return hostname.c_str(); } const char* URL::getPath() const { return path.c_str(); } const URL::ParameterMap &URL::getParameters() const { return parameterMap; } /** * Returns the value of an URL parameter. For the URL "http://www.crosswire.org/index.jsp?page=test&user=nobody" the value of the parameter "page" would be "test". * If the parameter is not set an empty string is returned. */ const char* URL::getParameterValue(const char* name) const { static SWBuf emptyStr(""); ParameterMap::const_iterator it = parameterMap.find(name); static SWBuf retVal; if (it != parameterMap.end()) retVal = it->second.c_str(); else retVal = emptyStr.c_str(); return retVal.c_str(); } /** Parse the URL. * Parse the URL into the protocol, the hostname, the path and the paramters with their values * */ void URL::parse () { /* format example protocol://hostname/path/path/path.pl?param1=value1&param2=value2 * we include the script name in the path, so the path would be /path/path/path.pl in this example * & could also be & */ //1. Init const char* urlPtr = url.c_str(); int pos = 0; protocol = ""; hostname = ""; path = ""; parameterMap.clear(); // 2. Get the protocol, which is from the begining to the first :// const char* end = strchr( urlPtr, ':' ); if (end) { //protocol was found protocol.append(urlPtr, end-urlPtr); urlPtr = end + 1; //find the end of the protocol separator (e.g. "://") for (; (*urlPtr == ':') || (*urlPtr == '/'); urlPtr++); } //3.Get the hostname part. This is the part from pos up to the first slash bool checkPath = true; bool checkParams = true; bool checkAnchor = true; end = strchr(urlPtr, '/'); if (!end) { checkPath = false; end = strchr(urlPtr, '?'); } if (!end) { checkParams = false; end = strchr(urlPtr, '#'); } if (!end) { checkAnchor = false; end = urlPtr+strlen(urlPtr); } hostname.append(urlPtr, end-urlPtr); urlPtr = end + ((*end)? 1 : 0); if (checkPath) { end = strchr(urlPtr, '?'); if (!end) { checkParams = false; end = strchr(urlPtr, '#'); } if (!end) { checkAnchor = false; end = urlPtr+strlen(urlPtr); } path.append(urlPtr, end-urlPtr); urlPtr = end + ((*end)? 1 : 0); } if (checkParams) { //5. Fill the map with the parameters and their values SWBuf paramName; SWBuf paramValue; /* end = strchr(urlPtr, '#'); if (!end) { checkAnchor = false; end = urlPtr+strlen(urlPtr); } */ //end = (start && strchr(start, '?')) ? strchr(start, '?')+1 :0; end = urlPtr; while (end) { paramName = ""; paramValue = ""; //search for the equal sign to find the value part const char* valueStart = strchr(end, '='); if (valueStart) { const char* valueEnd = strstr(valueStart, "&") ? strstr(valueStart, "&") : strstr(valueStart, "&"); //try to find a new paramter part if (valueEnd) { paramName.append(end, valueStart-end); paramValue.append(valueStart+1, valueEnd-(valueStart+1)); } else { //this is the last paramter of the URL paramName.append(end, valueStart-end); paramValue.append(valueStart+1); } if (paramName.length() && paramValue.length()) {//insert the param into the map if it's valid paramName = decode(paramName.c_str()); paramValue = decode(paramValue.c_str()); parameterMap[ paramName ] = paramValue; } } else { break; //no valid parameter in the url } const char *start = end+1; end = strstr(start, "&") ? strstr(start, "&")+5 : (strstr(start, "&") ? strstr(start, "&")+1 : 0); //try to find a new paramter part } } } const SWBuf URL::encode(const char *urlText) { /*static*/ SWBuf url; url = urlText; typedef std::map< unsigned char, SWBuf > DataMap; DataMap m; for (unsigned short int c = 32; c <= 255; ++c) { //first set all encoding chars if ( (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || strchr("-_.!~*'()", c)) { continue; //we don't need an encoding for this char } SWBuf buf; buf.setFormatted("%%%-.2X", c); m[c] = buf; } //the special encodings for certain chars m[' '] = '+'; SWBuf buf; const int length = url.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { //fill "buf" const char& c = url[i]; buf.append( ((m[c].length()) ? m[c] : SWBuf(c)) ); } url = buf; return url; } const SWBuf URL::decode(const char *encoded) { /*static*/ SWBuf text; text = encoded; SWBuf decoded; const int length = text.length(); int i = 0; while (i < length) { char a = text[i]; if ( a == '+' ) { //handle special cases decoded.append(' '); } else if ( (a == '%') && (i+2 < length)) { //decode the %ab hex encoded char const char b = toupper( text[i+1] ); const char c = toupper( text[i+2] ); if (isxdigit(b) && isxdigit(c)) { //valid %ab part unsigned int dec = 16 * ((b >= 'A' && b <= 'F') ? (b - 'A' + 10) : (b - '0')); //dec value of the most left digit (b) dec += (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') ? (c - 'A' + 10) : (c - '0'); //dec value of the right digit (c) decoded.append((char)dec); //append the decoded char i += 2; //we jump over the %ab part; we have to leave out three, but the while loop adds one, too } } else { //just append the char decoded.append(a); } i++; } if (decoded.length()) { text = decoded; } return text; } SWORD_NAMESPACE_END